Wednesday December 13th/23

I think that we all sometimes tend to take our wonderful scenery for granted – I know we did when we lived in Wales – Perhaps this is why I have always needed to stop while out riding, and take a moment!! -Mike took this pic of me last year up above the City of Vernon on a very wet day! – It really is a fantastic shot of the Valley, showing both Kalamalka and Okanagan Lakes. – Did you know that Kalamalka is the Native Indian name for “Lake of many Colors”

Many years ago we held a lot of Trials up on Vernon Mountain and I was able to show Mike a few spots on this ride – although a lot has changed.

Below is a photo somebody posted on FB of Llanrhaeder Waterfall – in Wales -which is I think listed as one of the wonders of the World – it is located about 10 miles from where we lived. ( yes I think I went there once!!!)

Quiz – Name this rider – Hint he lives in the Okanagan. but no longer rides a Trials bike.


Just came across this old shot – Yes I did ride a Montesa at one point – ( A short time in 1971) – I wonder if I still have that nice pint pot somewhere? – it had a glass bottom.


Ron Mallett would be turning in his grave if this was lost


Steve Holcombe who won all kinds of Championships for Beta is reported to be switching camps in 2024 – He is a winner for sure.


Birthday greetings today to our old friend Mick Andrews – no I’m not sure how old he is – but getting up there now.

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