Tuesday October 17th/23

We have now heard from a number of our regular readers that they are in fact clicking onto the new blog – . Although we have much work ahead before we will be satisfied. – Perhaps the sad part, is that as our old blog disappeared , into cyber- space – so it seems did… Continue reading Tuesday October 17th/23

Monday October 16th /23

Well it seems that young Harry Hemingway got 2nd overall in the grueling 2023 Scott Trial in Yorkshire – The young Beta rider was first listed in 4th – but a recount moved him up to 2nd ., dropping Billy Green down to 3rd – not that Billy will be sad at this placing, as… Continue reading Monday October 16th /23


Sunday October 15th 2023. So Saturday we were over on the Westside of the Lake for a visit with Roy, and a chance to get out for a ride – We welcomed the few drops of early morning rain, which while it didn’t last long – made us appreciate just how much we need this… Continue reading Untitled

Saturday October 14th 2023

Scott Trial day Well as I try to post this early in the morning – the famous Scott Trial will be well under-way in Yorkshire England. Often called the “Greatest one day Trial in the World” this Time and Observation event has certainly earned a name for itself over the years. We started a similar… Continue reading Saturday October 14th 2023