Quiz – Who is the rider on what bike and where???

Is it really over seven years since Jordi unveiled his new bike to the public?

So the Mountain bikers have now invaded the Holy Grail of Motorcycle Trials “The Scottish Six Days” – yes it seems they have scheduled a World Championship Downhill race at Ben Nevis – on the same week that the Scottish Trial has been held since about 1908.
How this happened and how it will effect the SSDT is not known, but simply put, it’s all about big money – with the zillion dollar Mountain Bike Industry booking the site with no regard for the clash of dates ( or so it has been reported)
Without a doubt this will effect hotel bookings and prices !
As most Off road Motorcyclists know – especially the Trials clubs – the Mountain bikers have taken over a lot of areas that were developed by Trials clubs, and while we have met lots of friendly types out on the trail over the years, we have also had some confrontations with people who think they own the Crown land.
I wonder if the mountain bikers need Personal liability insurance while on Crown land – because from what I have seen these silent assassins could very well cause an accident and likely already did.
Please note I have nothing personal against this group – but I wish Government were not just swayed by numbers without really understanding the damage that knobby tired Mountain bikes do as they skid downhill. – And before people start jumping all over me – I have a story to tell regarding this. – Back in the 1980’s we had a great Trials area called “East Kelowna” – we carefully set up long loops and developed trails that were already carved out by the deer population.
We held more than one National Trial at this location – but unfortunately one of the Mountain bike crowd was a spectator at one of these. (Yes I have his name) – about one month after our Trial they held a Mountain bike race in this area, with 300 riders!!
The following week – I went out with my camera and took photographs of some of the narrow deer trails – these had been transformed as if a herd of Elephants had been through – instead of a narrow deer trail – it was now a very wide dusty swath. !
I was so upset, I wrote to the local newspaper, along with photographs. – Guess what – they never printed it. – Instead it got made into a Provincial Park !!
There was however a sense of justice a few years later, when the whole area burned down in the big forest fire. – Did I care ? not a bit – sometimes people get what they deserve.
I should mention that I did have a “run in” with a Bike guy one day – we were all practicing a section, when this group of cyclists went by – then one guy started yelling at us – “You guys should stick to the trails – he said in a broad English accent !! Hmmm ! – I walked up to him and said – “Buddy I left England because of idiots like you. _ F/off.
And now you know “The rest of the story”
My screen saver – Emily practicing in the Quarry at Revelstoke – she is on the Outlaw Beta Evo 200 ( We have another one for sale)

We had a visit from one of the local Vernon club members yesterday – he was telling us about a neat area over near Naskusp that might be available for a Trials event down the road – I saw some video and it looks really promising – stay tuned.