Thursday-November 30th/23

Wow ! the last day of the month – that sure seemed to go quickly.

We just saw this posted by Jordi and we think it shows the change in thinking and understanding of what the sport of Trials is all about.


The TRRS SCHOOL was presented at the beginning of the year as the brand’s commitment to the promotion and teaching of Trials. As a result of the experience and passion for Trials that have always characterised the brand since its origins, the TRRS SCHOOL was born; a new project with the aim of promoting and disseminating the practice of Trial through its teaching.

Ten months later and after six events in Spain, the brand has decided to expand the project internationally for 2024. At the moment, a total of 12 countries have been confirmed, some of them with double annual events.

The brand will provide more details (dates and locations) on the courses taught in each country in early 2024.

As you will see neither Canada or the USA are listed as yet – this might change!! We believe we will see these TRS Schools in Canada and maybe more -Lets face it the future is with the kids – if they don’t start riding Trials the future is looking pretty bleak – a bunch of old guys put-putting around – no incentive for the factories – so maybe Jordi is ahead of the game.

However, I think that Trials people are a different breed and will never let this sport die – We have often said “Keep things simple and they will come back”

For example – the BIGGEST event in Trials this past year – was the Costa Brava Classic !! Yes they had 700 entrees – but could only take 460 !! ONLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The question I have to ask – are the FIM blind? –

I wish somebody would make a You Tube video that shows what a real old fashioned Trial is all about – No hopping and bopping – Believe me I watch most of them and while I’ve always said Trials is NOT a spectator sport – if you watch some of these young guys from the UK strutting their stuff at local trials – you might wonder what the sport is coming to. – often young guys hop bop to get around a tight turn – then some old guy just rides around it!!! pretty funny.

I wish I could tell you that I had the answer ! but I regret to say that I can only speak of what we have done in Western Canada – We really try to promote Trials as it was designed to be ( Not a Circus Act)


We can also tell our readers that we are in the process of a plan to host at least one Trial in the Okanagan in 2024 – stay tuned this could be exciting.


Quiz – Who and where???

Answer yesterday Gord Rinke who now lives in Penticton – the pic was taken in our front yard when he picked up his last TRS – Only Harlow got this.


Tomorrow we head into December – a month normally reserved for Christmas Shopping and with snow on the ground – Well! this year we don’t see any snow down low – in fact the white stuff we saw at Summerland a couple of weeks ago was a real surprise.

Obviously we need a ton of snow up top to help with both water and fire fire issues – so while we celebrate down in our Valley – we worry about the year 2024.

And Finally !! Yes we have lots of Trials gear in stock for the favorite person in your life – Of course Outlaw ALWAYS have good deals. Give us a call (250)545-6139 or email


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