Like many of our bloggers, we often click onto the various video clips and also study the pics we have taken at our local events. – it wasn’t until 1985 that Steve Day introduced me to the new style of riding, using the clutch and front brake – something we never did back in the day. – ( of course neither clutches or brakes worked as good as on modern bikes – but riders still did amazing things)
The pic below shows Dean Seaman with one finger on the clutch and one on the front brake as he sets up for the last climb on this section.

The extreme heat continues in the OK Valley, so no riding for the old guy – speaking of old guys, did anybody take in the Joe Biden speech late yesterday? – I try to keep in touch with what is happening in the World but it is quite depressing to see the events of today. – They say that “History repeats itself” – we hope that this is not the case. We hope people remember Joe for the good things he has done rather than the few hiccups he has had in public speeches of late.
One old guy who continues to astound in Motorcycle circles, is 92 year old Sammy Miller – this weekend he will once again attend the Goodwood Festival of speed and will ride one of his brilliant old bikes up the timed hill climb. – Amazing to recall that I actually rode in a National Trial that Sammy won back in 1957 – I have also mentioned riding a Time Trial that the great World Champion Geoff Duke won around that same era. – Wish I had photographs from those events.
Here is a pic of our old Outlaw van which I parked when it had 1.2 million km on it!! – Note the Sammy Miller decal – we imported a lot of Trials stuff from Sammy when he had his catalogue business we still have a couple of those catalogues which show us listed as his Canadian Importer.

Quiz today – Name the rider
