Answer to the Friday quiz – Philippe Berlattier – otherwise known as “The Bear” perhaps because of his fight with the big German Checker at a World Round !! Philippe is now the French Importer for TRS and supports the Series both World and in France.
This was not an easy one to guess because of the angle of the pic – but Brett, Harlow and Bob were in quickly as was Pete Varey.
Friday was one of those days – while sorting some Opti for a customer I dropped a six pack with this result !!! Talk about the Exon Valdes!! Just glad we had some left over Kitty Litter. – that was an expensive slip at 28 dollars a bottle!!!!!! – Ah well today is clean up day, before it gets too darn hot. – at least it didn’t get on any of the bikes.

We had a message from Jack McKinnon who lives in Nova Scotia, an ex pat who was on the Sammy Miller Junior Trials Team back in the day – you should be able to read his story in comments.
We had a visit from Leigh McKay yesterday ( yes it was him that I was getting the Opti for) Leigh has ridden quite a few of our BC Trials – first on a Sherco, then he bought a TRS from us and also a Beta 80 for his young lad. – Well now his lad is growing like a weed so needed a helmet and boots to go with a bigger Beta. – Glad we could sort this for him ( Plus did not spill any Opti on him)
Now this is what I call a Trials section.

QUIZ today – Who is this –?

Below is a pic of Barry Van As and myself out on the vintage Fantics that I had for a while – Walter Cukavac now owns one of these.

This hot spell has certainly put our riding on hold – but I do remember that years ago when we had a heat wave like this – Barry and myself would go out at 7am in Kelowna and practice for a couple of hours or so before waiting for Luigi’s Pub to open!! – This was back in the early 90’s – so I suppose I had already been over the hill for a good many years. However Barry was likely one of the most keen riders that I have ever come across, he lived for Trials back then and studied the VHS tapes over and over. We would spend a lot of time on just one section that required perfect technique .
As many of our readers know, Barry doesn’t ride anymore, but although he was not a “Natural” he understood everything that was required to succeed . He won the Senior Class of the WTC Championship held in Quebec . ( A bunch of riders from Western Canada drove down for that event. – Taff can tell a few stories about that one)
Below is a pic of Glencoe in Scotland – my brother and I stopped for lunch near this place back in 1972.
