With the 2023 Scott Trial now in the history books, we take time to look back at some memorabilia from the past – The poster with a pic of Steve Saunders, for the Welsh event in Taff’s backyard -and a Scott Certificate from 1950.
I find it interesting that the FIM are now looking at digital scoring for World Trials – Jeesh !! What will they think of next. – It seems kids can’t survive these days without a smart phone in their hand at all times, so I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised at any new brilliant ideas that come forth.
We have pounded the drums for decades, about keeping our sport simple, and as it was back in the day, – a fun day out in the Country, enjoying a ride with your buddies. – It was never ever supposed to be a spectator sport.

As we now have our new computer up & running quite well – I took time to look back at some of the pics I took while on a Training day at Revelstoke with Emily & Mike. – I have always found it fascinating to pick out good sections and various lines, even while driving all over the Western Provinces – most people look around and admire the scenery – I would just see sections every where!!
Take a peek at these shots I took of Emily in the Quarry – there are at least 3-4 different lines that could be set up just in this one spot – you could practice here all day.

However, for me and most of the old guys who rode UK Trials, it’s the long loop through the Countryside that brings out the real essence of what Trials riding is all about. – Yes I know I’ve harped on this many times, but I still believe that this is the ultimate – it’s the only way to get a good variety in the sections, plus a good day out. – – Parking lot Trials are OK – but should only be used to fill in the calendar and show off what these bikes with no seats are all about. – I noticed that there was only one junior rider at the last Trial at Ioco ? – Another alarm bell ringing for the future..